Sunday, 11 November 2012

The Crooked Spire of Chesterfield

There are many traditional tales about how the church’s spire became twisted; one is that a magician persuaded a blacksmith in Bolsover to shoe the Devil’s cloven hooves. When the blacksmith drove the first nail in to the Devil’s foot, the Devil howled in pain and lashed out in agony as he flew over Chesterfield, hitting the spire with his foot and causing it to twist. another version is that the tower buckled because of the Devil’s weight when he sat on it. Another tale is that the spire was so amazed to hear that a virgin was being married that the spire became twisted because of it’s effort to see for himself.

1 comment:

  1. That's a great photo, Jean! I love all those old legends about the reasons why the spire is crooked:)
